Zhongwei Xu


Zhongwei finished his MD in 2014 and became an orthopaedist in China. He started his PhD in immunology at Karolinska Institute in 2018, and made his PhD in 2023. His research is focused on recombinant protective antibodies against rheumatoid arthritis. The research experience strengthens his understanding on the pathology of rheumatic diseases and the physiology to develop therapeutics against these diseases. At Vacara, he is in charge of animal experimentation.

Apart from acedemic research, Zhongwei has keen interest in information technology. He is now serving as an editor for the homepage of Karolinska Institute, as well as the IT support for the entire research group. At Vacara, he is in charge of domain management, webpages, emails, and data security.

Email: it@vacara.se, zhongwei.xu@vacara.se